It’s the final day of 2020, and I’m with the rest of you when I say, “I truly can’t believe we made it!” It’s definitely been the weirdest and most unexpected year of my life. I never would have thought we would have faced the things we did, but we somehow managed through it.
I’ve said it before, but I don’t entirely hate 2020. It really did force me to spend so much togetherness with my family, and there were many moments that I truly treasure. A favorite is how much we were all into caring for our family garden this year. We were outside every day from March-October, and it was truly a cathartic and “growing” experience.
Spending so much time with the kids wasn’t always easy, but I was forced to work on being calm (a 2020 resolution), and while I didn’t always nail it, I have definitely worked on it. I also feel like I know my kids a lot better than I did before. I’ve seen their personalities shine, and I feel I almost can feel their feelings because we’ve been together so much.
I’ll definitely be grateful when life can go back to “normal”, and I am looking forward to getting the vaccine in 2021, but we have our health, some of our sanity and I still like my kids — so I’m calling this year a win.

On to 2021…
Some of my 2020 Goals from this post were laughable, especially because of what came out of 2020, but I do have some things I want to focus on in the coming year, that I think are reasonable pandemic or not.
- Scale DOWN my consulting business. Yes, this is the one I thought you’d be surprised about. This year has taught me a lot of things. One of them being what my true bread and butter is when it comes to creative consulting. I plan to continue to consult 1:1 for brands and businesses in 2021 because I truly love it, but I am eliminating the social media management aspect of my business. Why? I want to spend more time being a stay-at-home mama and wife, and you can’t have a full time job AND be a full time SAHM. #priorities
- Create the content I love and continue to work with the brands I love. Make some new relationships and GROW A Glass of Goldwater. Exciting things coming soon…!
- Grow my garden! It was truly one of the most joyous parts of 2020, and I cannot wait to grow bigger and better for all seasons this coming year!
- Take a family vacation! Our week in Michigan in August was MAGICAL, and I pray we get to do it again. Vacation air looks good on everyone.
- GET THE KIDS ON SKIS! I said last year, and I’m saying it again. I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN!
- More speaking engagements, safely of course! Come onnnnn COVID, let’s dooo itttt! #getvaccinated
- Travel to AT LEAST NY for business (and pleasure). Israel is my real vision, but we shall see what the year brings.
that’s it.
Nothing is going to bippidy, boppidy, boo tomorrow and change magically, but I like making “goals” this time of year, because I really do think it’s always good to be evaluating where you are and where you’d like to be.
Even 3 months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that I wanted to take a “step back” from parts of my business. It took some full blown panic attacks, 3x a day carpools and me trying to cook dinner again to realize that I love taking care of my family, and something’s got to give.
Am I married to these resolutions? No, aside from scaling down and getting the kids on skis, lol. But I feel good about them. And it helps me put Q1 into perspective, as I gear up for another year, hopefully even better than the last.
Shining Moments of 2020:

to round it out…
I want to say thank you to all of you. For without you, my dream of having this small corner of the internet would not be possible. I truly love sharing our lives with you, and I treasure some of the friendships we’ve created. I cannot wait for what the next year has in store for all of us.
Cheers to 2021, and making it the best year yet. And Mazel Tov! You made it through 2020! I hope wherever you’re reading this, you’re happy, healthy, safe and your mental health is taken care of as well. Sending my love!
I am all in favor of the skis resolution, even though you are probably looking at 2022 realistically. Being able to balance work life and Mom life is always a challenge and I think it is fantastic that you have realigned your goals so that there is a little more mommy time and a little less work time right now.
Thank you so much! I think it’s going to be really great! We’re hoping to get somewhere on skis even if it’s just over the border in WI this year. Fingers crossed!